Car Crash Lawyers
Automobile Injury Law
Auto Accident Attorney

The most common type of personal injury claim arises from automobile collisions or accidents. There are probably more car crash claims than all other types of personal injury claims combined. If you have been injured or a family member has been killed because of the fault or neglect of another, you have a legal right to recover damages for your injuries and losses. The more serious your injuries or the more complicated your case, the more likely a car accident attorney will be of benefit to you.
Being involved in an automobile collision can be a frightening and very stressful ordeal. Almost everyone involved in a serious auto accident has the same questions: Who will pay my medical bills? How will I make ends meet when I can’t work? How do I recover lost wages?
What is the extent of my injury, and how will these injuries affect me down the road? It’s these types of questions and fear of the unknown that often pushes people to start negotiating with the opposing insurance company for a quick settlement, which can be a big mistake before knowing the full extent of your injury(s) and how they will affect you down the road. Do not settle a claim too soon.
Why You Need an Experienced Car Accident Attorney
Partnering with an experienced auto accident attorney who specializes in car accidents and injury law can mean the difference between a mediocre settlement, and a settlement that will allow you to focus on recovering from your accident. An experienced motor vehicle accident attorney is versed and knowledgeable in automobile accident law. There is a lot at stake when you’ve been injured due to someone’s careless or inattentive driving. Car accident attorneys specialize in accident law and know the tactics used by the insurance companies to stall and drag out your motor vehicle settlement.
Here at Kehoe Sands Law, our auto accident attorneys have been helping victims in injury cases for more than two decades. We offer free consultations for accident victims. Understand Your Rights, Know Your Options, Get Experience on Your Side.
Automobile Accident Facts
- 3,000,000 people were injured in motor vehicle accidents.
- 41,300 died in motor vehicle accidents.
- 40% of the fatalities were alcohol-related.
- 2,600 children under the age of 15 were killed in motor vehicle accidents.
- 7,500 young drivers (16-20) were involved in fatal crashes.
- 3,000 motorcyclists were killed.
- 4,700 pedestrians were killed.
- Improper use of seat belts accounted for 63% of the fatalities.
As you can see, the car accident injury statistics in America are staggering. Injuries from car accidents are the leading cause of death for people from the ages of 6 to 33 years old.
Insurance & Automobile Accidents in Oregon
Below we have compiled information regarding Automobile Accidents and Insurance and Oregon law. First, a Word about Personal Injury Protection Insurance & Automobile Accidents in the Portland Metro area. If you have been involved in an auto accident, your own insurance company will pay the medical bills you incur from your injuries and treatment. Personal injury protection, or PIP, is mandatory coverage under all Oregon auto insurance policies.
PIP benefits cover you for two full years following your accident and pay up to $15,000 for your reasonable and necessary medical care. Benefits can be higher depending on your insurance coverage, but that is the minimum in Oregon. Also, if you suffer lost wages and are off work for 14 consecutive days, PIP will pay you for up to 52 weeks of wage loss. This benefit is available for time loss at any time during the two years following the accident. So, if you have surgery at some point and are off work, then PIP would pay for your wage loss even if you were off work later than one year after your accident. PIP wage loss pays up to $3,000 per month or 70% of your lost wages, but no more than $3,000 per month.
If you have an accident and are injured or there is more than $2,500 in damage, you must file a report with the Department of Motor Vehicles within 72 hours. Keep a copy of that report for your records. Also, notify your insurance company immediately so that they can send you an application for PIP benefits. Then, call us or fill out our request for a Free Attorney Consultation form. Our motor vehicle accident attorneys can help make sure your bills get paid, that the providers accept what PIP is mandated to pay and that you do not end up with bills that should have been paid by PIP. Any additional wage loss you have that is not covered under your PIP can be obtained from the other driver at the time we settle or go to trial on your car accident claim.
In Oregon, you have two years from the date of the accident in which to settle your claim or to file your lawsuit. If you fail to act within that time frame, your claim is barred by the statute of limitations.
Automobile Accident Claims
Many people forget about other claims related to the fact that an automobile collision has occurred, such as claims for uninsured or under-insured insurance benefits, claims against a wrongdoer’s employer or even, in some cases, claims against automobile manufacturers or highway designers. In many personal injury claims, other issues may arise. Do health care providers, insurance companies, workers compensation insurers, or government entitlement programs such as Medicare or Medicaid have a right to be repaid for benefits that you may have received? How long should you keep your totaled vehicle or wait to repair any damage after the accident? What settlement documents will you have to sign and are they fair? Insurance companies hire only experienced claims adjusters and attorneys. Is the playing field level if you do not have an experienced professional on your team? In America, automobile accidents and motor vehicle collisions happen every single hour of the day. According to national statistics, approximately 6,000,000 auto accidents occur each year, causing close to 40,000 fatalities. It is estimated that 1 out of every 5 Americans will be involved in an alcohol-related car crash at some point in their lives according to the NHTSA (National Highway Transportation Safety Administration). The NHTSA compiles statistics regarding motor vehicle accidents and some of the results are alarming.
Hiring a Reputable Auto Accident Attorney
If you’re looking for an experienced and reputable auto accident attorney contact Kehoe Sands Law today to schedule your free in-person consultation. We have been helping injured people get fair compensation for over 28 years.