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Distracted Drivers and Motorcycle Accidents
Motorcycle Accidents Caused by Distracted Drivers

Being distracted while driving is a leading cause of accidents. If the accident involves a motorcycle, it can easily become serious or even fatal; many motorcyclists and their families each year are entitled to compensation for motorcycle accidents caused by distracted drivers. If you’ve recently been in a motorcycle accident, you should contact a motorcycle accident attorney immediately to find out if you are eligible for compensation.
What are Distracted Drivers?
Drivers can become distracted in several ways while driving. It’s common for drivers to be looking at their phones instead of at the road, which is why many states have banned texting or talking on the phone while driving. Drivers can also become distracted by their radios, by interesting scenery on the side of the road, or even by road accidents. Finally, drivers can get distracted by their own impatience or by things they are thinking about while they are driving.

Many Oregon motorcycle accidents each year are caused by driver distraction. If you believe the driver was distracted during your accident, you should contact a motorcycle accident attorney. Some types of distraction are easier to prove than others; if the driver was on the phone or texting, your motorcycle accident attorney will have an easier time proving that you are entitled to compensation for the accident.
How Distracted Driving Causes Motorcycle Accidents
Distracted driving is especially dangerous to motorcyclists because motorcycles are generally smaller and harder to see than cars. Even if a driver is distracted, he or she will often become aware of a stopped car at the last moment because the car’s large size attracts the driver’s focus. Unfortunately, this is often not the case with motorcycles, and drivers may not stop in time to avoid hitting them. Many Oregon motorcycle accidents also occur when distracted drivers swerve to avoid hitting a stopped car. If a distracted driver hits another car, the car can then be forced into the motorcycle’s path. These common Oregon motorcycle accidents can lead to serious injury.
Seriousness of Distracted Driving Accidents

Many Oregon motorcycle accidents are serious or fatal. Motorcyclists are less protected during an impact than people driving cars because motorcycles are not enclosed like cars are. In addition, cars are usually bigger than motorcycles, so the impact is likely to send the motorcyclist flying into the air.
Legal Fault and Distracted Driving
If a distracted driver gets involved in an Oregon motorcycle accident, the motorcyclist is only entitled to compensation for his or her injuries if the distracted driver was at fault for the accident. In many cases, the distracted driver is at fault–if he or she had been paying attention to the road, the accident would not have occurred. However, in some cases the distracted driver might not be completely at fault. For example, if the motorcyclist made a turn directly into the driver’s path of motion and the distracted driver didn’t see the motorcyclist in time to stop, the driver might not be completely at fault. Your motorcycle accident attorney can tell you whether you are likely to be considered at fault for the accident and how that may affect your case.